The Mosquito Life Cycle
Mosquitoes go through four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The most effective way to control mosquitoes is in the larval stage. At the larval stage, they are in a more condensed area, making it easier to make more precise control applications, and we are able to get to them before they hatch into an adult mosquito and become a public health threat and a nuisance to people and animals.
While there are many different mosquito species, there are two main types of mosquitoes; floodwater mosquitoes and permanent water mosquitoes.
Floodwater mosquitoes lay there eggs in floodplains or areas where water levels fluctuate. Once the water level reaches where the eggs have been laid, and weather conditions are warm enough to produce mosquitoes, the eggs hatch and the mosquito begins its life cycle. Once a floodwater mosquito becomes an adult, the females seek out a blood meal and begin laying eggs for the next time the habitat floods. Floodwater mosquitoes tend to be very aggressive and will feed on almost any mammal to get a blood meal, which can make them a nuisance.
Permanent water mosquitoes lay eggs in habitats that frequently have water, such as ponds, storm drains, sewage lagoons, etc. while most permanent water mosquitoes are not as aggressive as floodwater mosquitoes, they may feed on humans. Culex mosquitoes, a prominent permanent water species in Oregon, is a primary vector of West Nile Virus.